Vancouver Men’s Health Natural Treatment

Hey bud, not feeling your best? A little tired? A little overweight? Got some emotional stuff that just isn’t working for you? Or maybe you’re feeling good and want to stream-line that physical/emotional you, if so, then keep reading. Hi, I’m Dr. Quinn Rivet from Vancouver D.C. and I understand a man’s perspective because I am one. I’ve been through those tough times too –I’ve been over weight, lost that girl, had some bad habits but I got through it and I’m better for it. I also understand athletics; I’ve cycled the West Coast to Mexico, did a couple small triathlons, did a couple 10k’s, hit the weights a couple days a week, and I watch MMA now and then. So if it’s time to get your health in order or get it back on track so that you can look and feel your best then give me a call, its time bro, I’m ready…… are you?
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease has many symptoms such as high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, kidney disease, and eye disorders, to name a few. There are many factors that influence not only the disease itself but also its progression. Here at the clinic, I run specialized tests that look at how well you are able to fight against free radicals. We have options to run tests to look at known chemicals in the blood that are related to vascular disease like asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), I know these are some pretty heavy words but according to today’s scientific research, they are related to cardiovascular disease and we can get them back in balance through implementing healthy lifestyle recommendations, dietary applications and/or herbs and supplements. Acupuncture works well as does meditation. Also, as an avid meditator, I can show you some easy techniques for getting your stress levels down and helping you with that monkey mind of yours. If you have concerns with your heart, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol there are options, options to help you live a long, happy industrious life.

Some statistics say that 1 in 7 guys will get prostate cancer! Yup that’s right man, 1 in 7. As we age, the rate goes up. But it doesn’t mean that if you have it that it’s going to spread. There are many cases where it just stays where it is and grows slowly.
Also, regular medicine does a pretty good job of controlling this issue, there are many factors involved and that can be controlled, especially diet and lifestyle. Many herbs and supplements have good research and we know basically how we can decrease your chances of getting it. If you have BPH there are several ways we can help alleviate your prostate issue. It may take some time, but remember, it took some time to get to where it is now so it will take some time to get it back in balance.
Erectile Dysfunction
As a man this is no joke and you’d be surprised at how many guys have this. One of the most damaging things a man can experience is a weakening of his masculinity. ED can do this however untrue this perception may be. You are more than you penis, brother. There are different types ranging from pure psychology to pure mechanics to hormonal imbalances. How do you tell? Easy, if you get erections during the night, the mechanism works, i.e. blood flow and nervous system are working properly so that you can get an erection. Keep in mind however, that if you don’t it doesn’t mean that things are broken, it just means that we need to look at other factors. Diet, exercise, stress levels, environment, early sexual experiences, brain chemistry, hormone profiles, lifestyle (e.g. alcohol) all play a role in how well we guys can get an erection. The thing is, you have to feel safe to talk about it and know that there is no judgment only a true concern for your well-being. Depending on your physiology, current psychology and life style, I will make recommendations; perhaps run some specialized tests that are related to your situation so we get a better understanding of any underlying mechanisms that may be going on. With this information taken in a holistic perspective and your commitment to the process, there is no reason why I can’t help get you back to where you want to be.
Depression & Anxiety
Depression and anxiety itself isn’t solely a men’s issue. It affects people of all points of the social scale. In fact, studies show that women may tend to suffer anxiety and depression more than men, so why am I including it here? The truth is that typically men suck at handling mental illness. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, you know what I’m saying.
There are many options to making you feel better about whatever it is that may be bothering you. Many factors play into depression and anxiety that ultimately affect the brain; for example gut inflammation, an inflammatory diet, lack of good fats, stress history when you were younger, your overall stress hormone profile, and of course brain chemistry. All of these can affect your resilience -especially the part of the brain that takes care of your stress response. By looking at these factors and using techniques to remove underlying programing, I can help your brain to change, to change to make you feel better, feel motivated, get that forward motion going. Look dude I’ve been there, life isn’t easy sometimes and I get that, the great thing is that after treating men for over 18 years and studying anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, there are non-pharmacological applications that can help your brain change and ultimately make you feel better. It’s about optimistic expectation for the future and I can get you back to that place, together we can. I got your back brother.