Vancouver Naturopathic Kidney Care Clinic
Supporting kidney, Dialysis and Transplantation patients

The Vancouver Naturopathic Kidney Care Clinic (VNKC) opened its doors in the fall of 2013. It is directed and run by Dr. Quinn Rivet N.D. who has been studying and treating kidney disease non-pharmacologically for the past 17 years and has written a book on naturopathic approaches to kidney disease. He himself has experienced hemodialysis, two successful kidney transplants and has been drug free for the last 12 years with perfect kidney function. This he attests is due to his wonderful nephrology team at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Hamilton Ontario, Canada and his understanding of non-pharmacological medicine.
The VNKC clinic is not an alternative approach to kidney disease per se and does not in anyway recommend that you negate advice from your nephrologist, it is an adjunct to already existing therapies presented by the medical profession. Science reveals that there are non-pharmacological therapies that can potentially help blunt the progression of kidney diseases. Although more studies need to be completed with larger human trials there is enough evidence to show that the clinical implementation of non-toxic, non-pharmacological substances when prudently applied may have beneficial affects on the kidney if not the biological system as a whole. Oxidative damage, growth factors, inflammatory products, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, all related to kidney damage can be treated in a holistic fashion.

With Dr. Rivet’s intimate understanding of kidney disease and the treatment process within the standard medical system, he can help support you through your medical story as a player on your healthcare team. He can help support you through dialysis and if necessary your transplant as well. The VNKC clinic is a research oriented private health care clinic and it is hoped that through the ongoing treatment applications of non-pharmacological therapies we can assist the advancement of nephrology as a whole.
What to expect
Your first appointment will be 1 hour in duration, Dr. Rivet will go over your history, laboratory reports and do a physical exam. After which Dr. Rivet will decide on any further testing and explain what he feels to be a pertinent therapy for your case. The therapies will not interfere with any of the medications you are on and will send a report to your nephrologist and medical doctor. After your first appointment, follow-ups may be once per week for 4-6 weeks depending on the type of therapies required or once per month. If i.v. therapies or acupuncture are recommended you may be required as mentioned about to have one treatment per week for 4-6 weeks. Any questions you, your family or your nephrologist may have please feel free to contact the office at any time.
Lab tests
To track you progress regular labs from your MD or nephrologist will be used however the VKHC clinic uses other blood tests that may be applicable to your case; C-reactive protein, cystatin-C, fibrinogen, homocysteine, ferritin, oxidative stress analysis and asymmetric dimethylarginine, all found to be very applicable to kidney patients and those with cardiovascular disease including hypertension. The findings will help give more specificity to your treatment and will be used in the clinical research that Dr. Rivet is leading. Other tests may be indicated however most you can get through your medical doctor.
Part of your Health care team
The VNKC clinic works as a team that’s goal is your optimal health, both mind and body. We will work with your existing health care team with full transparency.
Because of Dr. Rivet’s experience as a kidney patient he can understand what you are experiencing and can help guide you through your emotions and give insight into what you may need to help settle you into a more peaceful state of being. Using a combination of Rogerian and neuro-emotional technique (NET) and empathy, Dr. Rivet will bring feelings of control and predictability into your life thus easing any stress associated with your dis-ease.
The Vision
To decrease the rate and progression of kidney disease and support the advancement of nephrology.
The Mission
To support and treat kidney patients holistically through their process by applying scientifically researched *traditional medicine in accordance with the contemporary stance of renal pathophysiology.
*Traditional medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines traditional medicine as:
the health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral-based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being.
What treatments can I expect?
Dr. Rivet uses a combination of diet, herbal, neutraceutical, dilutional therapy, acupuncture, Neuro-emotional therapy (to help decrease sympathetic nervous system output i.e. quite the mind), spinal realignment, I.V. therapy and counselling. Depending on your case Dr. Rivet will decide what approach is best to suite your case. No treatment will override or interfere with your medical treatment, however over time you may be able to lower the dosage or get off some of your medications. If you are a transplant patient you will be require to continue your antirejection medications.
I've worked with Dr. Rivet for 3 years and feel that his recommendations has allowed me to live a more normal life and stay off dialysis longer than usual. I am happy with my outcomes and find Dr. Rivet friendly and approachable. He is a great teacher as he has explained things very clearly for me to understand and has educated me about the kidneys and my health concerns. He is thorough, took the time and inspired hope in me. I would highly recommend him.