You know you'll be healthier when you lose weight. But to lose weight, it helps to be healthier!
For many people, weight loss can be much more difficult because of untreated hormone imbalance, allergies and immune problems, food sensitivity, toxicity or other causes.
The good news? The naturopathic doctors and registered holistic nutritionist at our Vancouver office can work with you to manage your weight and support weight loss.
That approach – and a Naturopathic medically supervised program based on your individual needs – can put you on the path to your optimal weight.
The most telltale sign that a hormonal imbalance may be playing a role in your weight gain is excess abdominal fat.
Dry hair, feeling bloated and reduced physical and mental energy – often associated with weight gain – are also correlated with hormonal imbalance. Reduced levels of thyroid hormone and
DHEA/Cortisol may significantly reduce metabolism, leading to fatigue, mood disorder (anxiety/depression) and water retention.
A hormonal assessment can analyze levels of key hormones like estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and melatonin – and their role in weight gain.

The use of fertilizers, pesticides, dyes and other chemicals in our foods may cause immune disruption.
Simple sugars and refined carbohydrates may result in too much yeast and lead to “leaky gut syndrome,” immune system problems and inflammation. The body may appear bloated due to water retention, directly associated with cellulite production.
Inflammation is how our bodies protect us from infection and injury. But the immune system may also over-respond and misdirect inflammation because of stress, allergies and the wrong foods.
Food Sensitivities and Weight Loss
What you are eating, even healthy choices, may actually be contributing to your weight gain.
How do you find out what you are sensitive to and what foods you can and should eat?
The ELISA blood test is a fast, accurate and simple way to determine what foods you are sensitive to, and which foods your immune system is not reacting to.
New research in nutritional genomics is also now helping. DNA samples can actually tell you what foods can reduce your health risks and help you lose weight. Vitalia Health Care utilizes genomic testing to develop the right eating plan for you based on your genetics.

Flushing out toxins from your system allows the body to function at its best.
Chemicals in our environment may overwhelm your system and may interfere with your body's cellular functioning.
Detoxification allows your body to function at its best, and may improve overall metabolism.
Weight gain can result from biochemical imbalances and poor nutrition. But for some people, it may also signal other related health problems
It's important to find out if your weight gain is related to serious concerns such as diabetes.
A weight loss program may be a part of preventing or treating these diseases
Proper analysis can get your body ready for a weight loss program while evaluating other possible conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or liver disease.
Before beginning any weight loss program, it is important to correct biochemical imbalances and make sure your body is ready to start losing weight.
Expert nutritional guidance – based on your individual needs – will support weight loss without resulting in nutritional deficiencies.
The Path to Perfect Weight and Optimum Metabolism

Vitalia Health Care has established a program that may improve your metabolism, optimize your health and give you the tools to continue a healthy lifestyle.
At Vitalia Health Care, our Naturopathic Doctors will customize a weight loss and metabolic enhancing program to fit your unique health needs. The goal is to treat the biochemical imbalances that block weight loss, get a good start on losing weight, and to establish a lifestyle that may keep the weight off.
Your Vitalia (Vancouver office) weight loss program will be: