Menopause is defined by the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months and typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, although it can vary. The transition to menopause, known as perimenopause, often starts in a woman's 40s but can begin as early as the 30s.
Menopause is a natural transition that every woman will experience. While some women may have minimal symptoms, others may face more pronounced changes that may impact her quality of life.
The good news is that there are many options available to help manage some of the symptoms of menopause, as well as reduce some risks that may be seen as hormone levels decline. Treatment options take a wholistic approach and may include diet recommendations, stress management, herbal therapies, supplements and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.
The Stages
This is the transitional period leading up to menopause, lasting several years. During perimenopause, women may experience irregular menstrual cycles, with periods becoming lighter, heavier, or less frequent. Hormonal fluctuations can cause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and sleep disturbances.
This phase is confirmed when a woman has gone 12 months without a menstrual period. The ovaries significantly reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms during this time include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain, and changes in skin texture and elasticity.
The years following menopause are referred to as post menopause. Symptoms experienced during perimenopause and menopause may continue or ease. However, the decrease in hormone levels can increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, cognitive changes and cardiovascular disease.

There are various approaches to managing menopausal symptoms, including diet changes, lifestyle changes, Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT), supplements and herbal therapies.
Diet and Hot Flashes:
Certain foods can trigger not flashes. The 3 top foods that may exacerbate hot flashes include caffeine (1), alcohol (2) and spicy foods. If you are experiencing hot flashes, consider limiting these foods.
Lifestyle Changes include Regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and stress management may help alleviate symptoms.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy involves taking Estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement to relieve symptoms and provide cardiovascular and osteoporosis protection. At Vitalia Health Care INC, our Naturopathic Physicians prescribe Bio-identical hormones. These hormones are derived from soy or yam, and are structurally identical to the hormones produced by your body. Our Naturopathic Physicians do not prescribe synthetic hormones. These are produced from animals and are not identical to the hormones produced by your body. Continue learning more about Bio-identical hormones HERE.
Alternative Treatments
Herbal remedies, acupuncture, and relaxation techniques can also provide relief for some women.
Supplements and Herbal Remedies
This option may be helpful in managing Perimenopause and Menopause symptoms aim supporting your sex hormones, supporting healthy estrogen metabolism and balancing Estrogen and Progesterone.
Some of these natural supplements include:
Please DO NOT start any new supplement program until you have discussed this with your Naturopathic or Medical doctor as they may not be appropriate for you.
Stress and Menopause
Post menopausal women experience physical and psychological changes that impact their quality of life. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms. In a study involving 300 women, 85% of post menopausal women and 46.5% of peri-menopausal women reported both physical and mental exhaustion compared to just 19% of women who had yet entered perimenopause. (7)
Prolonged stress can result in fatigue. The more chronic stress a woman has been experiencing, the more she may experience fatigue. The relationship between chronic stress, hormones and menopause is complex.
Stress can increase the frequency and severity of menopause symptoms. These include hot flashes, irritability, fatigue, difficulties with sleep, weight gain, brain fog and depression. (8)
Understanding a woman's level of stress and related stress hormones is an integral part of managing menopause symptoms. There is a complex relationship between stress hormones and menopause symptoms.
At Vitalia Health Care INC, we offer both urine and saliva testing for stress hormone levels. From a thorough initial health history, our Naturopathic Physicians will discuss testing options for both sex and stress hormones. From this information, a customized treatment plan will be provided that includes support for both stress and sex hormones. We take a personalized approach to treating your menopause symptoms.
Book with one of our Naturopathic Doctors.
Understanding menopause and its phases can help women navigate this natural transition with greater ease and confidence. If symptoms become severe or impact daily life, it's important to seek advice from a healthcare professional.
Our Naturopathic Physicians at Vitalia Health Care INC are experienced in providing effective treatments for Menopause symptoms, including Bio-identical Hormone Replacement therapy.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Menopause
Menopause is diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The average age for menopause is 51, though symptoms of perimenopause may begin as early as a woman’s late 30s or early 40s. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. Ref
A hot flash is often described as a sudden wave of warmth or heat, particularly in the face, neck, and chest. It may be accompanied by an increased heart rate, sweating, and sometimes feelings of anxiety.
Certain foods can worsen or trigger hot flashes. The top culprits are caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods. If you're experiencing hot flashes, it may help to limit these in your diet.
Yes, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be effective in reducing hot flashes. Estradiol, a form of estrogen, is commonly used to treat this symptom. At Vitalia Health Care INC in Vancouver, Naturopathic Physicians prescribe Bio-identical HRT, available as a patch, cream, or gel. Click here to learn more about Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Synthetic hormones are not identical to human hormones and are often derived from animal sources, like Premarin, which comes from the urine of pregnant mares. Synthetic progesterone, called progestins (such as medroxyprogesterone), differ from natural human progesterone.
Bio-identical hormones, however, are derived from plants (such as wild yam or soybean) and are chemically identical to human hormones. At Vitalia Health Care INC, we only prescribe Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy due to its safety profile.
The first step in developing a treatment plan for you is to test your hormones. Testing options include blood, urine and saliva tests.
Our Naturopathic Physicians commonly use a urine test known as the DUTCH test, to assess hormone levels, assess hormone metabolites, and to monitor HRT dosing.
If a woman is using a patch, we may suggest blood testing. Your Naturopathic Physician will discuss testing options based on your age, symptoms and if you are currently on HRT.
Dosing and monitoring hormones is important. We aim for physiological levels (what your body would naturally make). We also aim for levels of Estrogen and Progesterone that provide benefits for bone, brain, uterine and cardiovascular health.
Too much or too little hormones can cause symptoms. Monitoring your hormones regularly is important to keep you within physiological doses and give you the greatest benefits. Your Naturopathic Doctor will discuss the hormone testing schedule best for you.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai ND and Dr. Farnoush Salimy ND are licensed Naturopathic Physicians with extensive training in prescribing Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. They are available for consultations.
Dr. Elizabeth Miller ND, who is also experienced in prescribing Bio-identical HRT, is currently on maternity leave.