Maintaining good health and wellness requires a comprehensive look at where your health currently stands. Maybe you’re considering focusing more on your nutrition or perhaps you’ve started going to the gym a few days a week to get in better physical shape. At the start of your health and fitness journey, a healthy living profile can help you identify what areas need the most support.
LifeLabs offers patient assessment panels that provide comprehensive insights about a patient’s health status. When you have a better understanding of where your imbalances are and how they affect the body, you can help ward off disease and achieve better overall health. Vitalia Health Care now offers healthy living profiles by LifeLabs to patients that want an overview of where they’re currently at with their health.
Patient Assessment Panels by LifeLabs
LifeLabs has developed a new and simple way to access and order conventional blood tests for use by Naturopathic Doctors. The development of 12 patient assessment panels enables NPs to assess their patients based on their unique healthcare needs. The use of these patient assessment panels helps to establish a baseline at the beginning of a patient’s healthcare journey.
The healthy living profile delivers an overall view of a patient’s current health status, including kidney, liver, blood, heart, electrolytes, and metabolic health. These assessments may be recommended in a variety of situations, such as the presence of abnormal cortisol levels, elevated IgG to candida, low DHEAS, suspected anemia, low testosterone, low levels of essential vitamins, nutritional deficiencies, peptic or gastric ulcers, or general malaise.
Naturopathic Doctors also look at factors outside of these test results to create a more in-depth healthy living profile, such as the patient’s symptoms. For example, clinical signs of a zinc deficiency may include a reduced sense of smell and taste, white spots on the nails, frequent colds and flus, and acne. By analyzing both laboratory findings and patient symptoms, our NPs can better formulate a program for optimal wellness.
LifeLabs patient assessments are simple to complete with help from your Naturopathic Doctor. Your NP will evaluate your laboratory findings and look for optimal ranges as opposed to reference ranges which look at a wider scope to help rule out disease. Correlating both lab results and symptoms can help determine which supplements and other dietary changes should be included or excluded.
Book a Consultation with Vitalia Health Care
The healthy living profile is a comprehensive test offered by LifeLabs and is now available to Naturopathic Doctors. The analytes tested offer an overall general assessment of the health of your liver and kidneys, rules out anemia, assesses your immune system, and measures levels of electrolytes. The test also measures heart health, inflammation, and blood sugar assessment, including insulin resistance, diabetes, and cholesterol assessment.
Book a consultation with one of our Naturopathic Doctors if you are interested in learning more about your overall health with the Healthy Living Profile offered at Vitalia Health Care INC in Vancouver. From this information, your naturopathic physician can work with you to develop a preventative treatment plan.
Get a baseline test and your ND can discuss ways to maintain your health with preventative strategies including recommendations on diet, lifestyle, if further testing may be warranted, and supplements that may be beneficial in treatment or prevention.
Dr Tasreen Alibhai, ND