Fish Oil Can Improve Children’s Reading Skills

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Dr. Tasreen Albhai N.D.
Naturopathic Medical Director
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On average, between 20 and 30 percent of schoolchildren in the early grades struggle with reading. Learning to read is one of the most important skills that a child needs to master in the first few years of schooling. Unfortunately, reading does not come easily to all students. 

Fish oil has been found to improve reading levels in children. Essential fatty acids play a key role in many bodily processes, including heart health, inflammation, and brain function. They are also required to build cell membranes throughout the brain and body. It isn’t just young children that can benefit from a daily dose of fish oil. Older children who take fish oil can also experience improved reading and comprehension skills.

Of course, many parents struggle to get their children to take fish oil due to the sometimes off-putting odor and taste. Fortunately, fish oil can now be found in a variety of more palatable flavors, such as lemon, green apple, and mango. You can also place fish oil capsules in the freezer. Taking them frozen helps to diminish any aftertaste.

According to a study performed at the University of Oxford, there is a direct connection between fish oil and the reading skills of children. During the study, scientists give a 600mg omega-3 fatty acid pill to each participant who ranged in age from seven to nine years old. The study found that the children whose reading levels were in the lowest fifth of the normal range gradually improved over a four-month period.

The study found that on average, the children in the bottom 20 percent for literacy improved their reading by three weeks more than a control group of children who took a daily placebo. In addition, children in the lowest 10 percent for literacy improved their reading age by 1.9 months compared to the children in the placebo group. Of course, fish oil can also provide both children and adults with other critical health benefits.

Fish oil is believed to support heart health. As heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, taking a daily fish oil supplement is a small price to pay for good heart health. Regularly taking fish oil is believed to improve cholesterol levels, decrease triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, and prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. Fish oil can also help reduce inflammation in the body.

There are countless other benefits associated with fish oil. This supplement may help treat mental health conditions, including preventing the onset of symptoms in some people. It may also support eye health. Eye health can decline with age, which can result in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Fish oil has been linked to a reduced risk of AMD. Other benefits include healthier skin, reduction in liver fat, improved symptoms of depression, and improved hyperactivity in children.

The important omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can also be found in many of the foods you eat. Omega-3s can be found naturally in some foods and may be added to some fortified foods. Some examples of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish and other seafood (especially cold-water fatty fish), plant oils (such as flaxseed oil and canola oil), nuts and seeds (such as chia seeds and flaxseed), and fortified foods like milk, eggs, yogurt, and juices.

Choosing the right fish oil product can sometimes be tricky. It is important to ensure that the fish oil product you choose is top-quality and routinely tested for impurities. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids and if it may be of benefit to you!

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