May 2013 Issue
Celebrate Vitalia Health Care’s One Year Anniversary at our new location! We would like to offer 10% off your consultation during this month as a thank you to all of our amazing patients!
Celebrate Vitalia Health Care’s One Year Anniversary at our new location! We would like to offer 10% off your consultation during this month as a thank you to all of our amazing patients!
Spring is around the corner and you may have already noticed some trees budding and spring flowers making their ascent. Or, you may have already noticed itchy ears and nose accompanied by sneezing. Our seasonal allergies on the West Coast start as early as February, with Alder trees being the first to release pollen. Late winter and spring allergies are usually related to trees and shrubs while late spring and summer are often grass pollen allergies. Environment Canada has pollen counts and charts available on their website for more information.
There is a strong negative connotation that comes with the concept of cellulite. These small to large dimples that can be found mostly on females after puberty are thought to be a sign strictly of poor dieting and obesity, but are really far more complex then that. In reality, cellulite can be a side effect of hormonal factors, genetics, gender, and a high-stress lifestyle. Essentially, cellulite is formed through enlarged fat cells, higher levels of toxins, water retention, poor circulation, and fibrosis within connecting tissue.