Thyroid Awareness and Screening
Having a thyroid disorder is coined the “unsuspected illness” as so many health symptoms could be due to a thyroid problem. It is estimated up to 60% of people with a thyroid disorder are not aware of their condition. Learn about the symptoms, screening and treatment through our thyroid awareness and screening program.
The initial visit includes a detailed medical history, physical exam of the thyroid and any related body system.
Options of primary lab testing includes:
- Extended Thyroid Panel (TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Thyroperoxidase AB, Thyroglobulin AB, Reverse T3)
- 25 OH-Vitamin D
- iron levels
Additional testing may include:
During the follow up consultation, all lab findings will be discussed and treatment options will be explained.
**In order to prepare for your appointment, book a morning appointment that works into your schedule without increasing stress (all hormones are connected!). Eat a good breakfast and do not exercise prior to coming in. If taking vitamin D or biotin, stop at least 4 days prior to your appointment. If already on thyroid medication, do not take the morning of the appointment (you can take it later that day as directed.)