Natural Treatment for PMS
Premenstrual syndrome, is a group of symptoms that occur in women, usually between ovulation and the start of a period. Each year, more than 3 million women experience PMS, and while it is not usually dangerous, it can be difficult to manage. While the exact cause of PMS is not fully understood, the condition has been linked with changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle. For many women, making certain lifestyle changes and introducing other natural treatments can be extremely helpful in reducing or even eliminating the uncomfortable and painful symptoms that accompany PMS.
Common Symptoms
PMS has a variety of signs and symptoms that tend to recur in a predictable pattern. Many women experience both physical and emotional changes that can range from mild to severe in intensity. Emotional and behavioral signs and symptoms may include depressed mood, anxiety or tension, crying spells, trouble falling asleep, mood swings, social withdrawal, appetite changes, poor concentration, and change in libido.
Physical signs and symptoms that may occur include headache, joint or muscle pain, breast tenderness, weight gain from fluid retention, fatigue, constipation, alcohol intolerance, acne flare-ups, and abdominal bloating. In some instances, symptoms can be so severe that it affects their daily life.
Natural Treatments
Estrogen balancing plays a major role in regulating periods. If a woman’s estrogen levels are out of balance, her periods may be affected. One way that the body eliminates excess estrogen is through the bowels. Women with sluggish digestive systems may experience premenstrual symptoms due to unbalanced hormones. Ideally, you should have two to three solid bowel movements per day. Women who have sluggish bowels can help move things along by adding extra fiber to their diet, drinking more water, consuming magnesium, or having your stomach acid production professionally checked.
Research has also shown that adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet may help reduce PMS symptoms. Omega-3s have been found successful in reducing depression, anxiety, bloating, lack of focus, nervousness, headache, breakouts, and tender breasts. The longer that these supplements are used, the more the symptoms decrease in many women. Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet consistently is an effective, long-term PMS treatment plan. You can find omega-3s naturally in some foods, such as wild salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, plant oils, and fortified foods like milk and eggs.
Exercise and meditation have been found helpful in treating mood changes and other symptoms of PMS. Meditation has been found to measurably change the structure of the brain, creating results like increased self-awareness, feeling of happiness, and reduced stress hormones. Staying active through regular exercise can also evaluate your mood, boost circulation, and minimize bloat. While you may not be up for a high- intensity cardio session right before your period, you can get some exercise in by taking a brisk walk or bike ride. Most weight loss experts suggest fitting in three to five workouts each week to slim down to a healthy weight and to gain strength and vitality.
Bioidentical Progesterone hormone replacement can also be very beneficial in reducing PMS symptoms. Speak to your naturopathic doctor to learn more about how natural Progesterone replacement could help your PMS.
Learn More About Treatments
A whopping 75 percent of women suffer from symptoms like mood swings, headaches, and bloating shortly before or during their period. In approximately 20 percent of these cases, the symptoms are so severe that medical treatment is needed. If you are one of the many women suffering from PMS, know that you can lessen your discomfort through simple lifestyle and dietary interventions. Naturopathic medicine recognizes several subtypes of PMS, including anxiety, cravings, depression, hyperhydration, and pain. In addition to advising women about herbs and medicine, naturopathic doctors are trained in acupuncture and clinical nutrition which can help reduce PMS symptoms.