Candida and Fungal overgrowth is very common. Many gastrointestinal symptoms may be due to an overgrowth of Fungus and/or Candida.

Candida is a normal fungal species found in the digestive tract. It is considered normal flora. Problems start to occur when there is an overgrowth of this fungus in the digestive tract.
Mold and Candida are in the same family kingdom of Fungi. Mold and fungi can include both external environmental mold exposure and internal mold. Candida is a species of the Fungi family.
Symptoms of candida and fungal overgrowth may include:
Mold in our environment may also impact our immune system’s ability to control internal yeast. If we are under chronic mold exposure from the environment, the toxins from the yeast found in our internal digestive tract may have a greater impact on our health, the ability of the immune system to keep the yeast toxins in check, ultimately contributing to some of the symptoms listed above.
There are many different ways fungus can affect and infect our body. The first is infections most of us are familiar with. Toe nail infections, skin infections and vaginal yeast infections are common and treatable.
Second is the overgrowth of fungus in our digestive tract. This is the overgrowth of fungus species such as Candida. Again, Candida is a part of our normal flora. A person may start to develop symptoms when there is an overgrowth of Candida. With this overgrowth, the immune system has a harder time dealing with the mycotoxins produced by the fungus. The beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, in the digestive tract are also key in keeping Candida levels balanced. With insufficient amounts of probiotics (good bacteria), candida overgrowth may occur and symptoms may develop.
Skin conditions and Hypersensitivity of the skin may also develop with chronic fungal infections. Some individuals are more prone to allergic reactions. They have more IgE antibodies and allergic type of reaction to Candida. They may genetically be more predisposed to developing hypersensitivity of mucosal membranes as an immune response to Yeast overgrowth. This may include chronic nasal and sinus congestion, skin reactions, vaginal irritation, rectal irritation and digestive symptoms.
Treating chronic Candida infections is complex. Supporting basic foundations of health is important to keep the immune system strong and overall support health. These include getting enough sleep, reducing stress, eating healthy foods and avoiding processed foods. Especially avoiding foods that support candida growth. These include foods high in sugar, fermented foods, baked goods that contain yeast. This may also include limiting fruits that are high in sugars. These basic recommendations is a great place to start!
Testing stomach acid levels and optimizing overall digestion is also an important piece of the puzzle when treating chronic candida.
The next step is testing for Candida. A great test offered at Vitalia Health Care INC in Vancouver is the Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis. This comprehensive stool test uses a PCR method to look for the presence of bacteria and yeast. If yeast is found in levels above what would be considered normal flora, your Naturopathic Physician at Vitalia Health Care will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. This may include specific dietary advice, the right type of probiotic for you based on your results. Anti-fungal prescription medications such as Nystatin or Fluconazole may also be recommended. Herbal preparations may also be recommended along with a long term maintenance plan.
Book an APPOINTMENT today with Dr Tasreen Alibhai, ND or Dr Elizabeth Miller ND to discuss your symptoms and treatment options for yeast overgrowth.