Beautiful skin starts with SkinPen, a minimally invasive skin remodeling treatment for anti-aging, scaring, and stretch marks. It involves little downtime and no chemicals or heat. With SkinPen 94% of clients noticed an improvement in how their fine lines and wrinkles looked at one month post-treatment, and 80% of patients said they noticed and improvement in acne scars in the treated area at one month post-treatment.
Antioxidants Nutrients Your Skin Will Love
Its Winter season and you may have noticed some changes in your skin. Colder temperatures and drier air may lead to dry and dull looking skin with fine lines being more noticeable.
The connection between the Gut and Skin Conditions (The Gut-Skin Axis)
Skin conditions are the one of the most common conditions seen by doctors. Recent clinical research has highlighted a possible link between the gut and skin health: commonly called the gut-skin axis.
Acne is the skin condition most commonly seen by doctors. According the Canadian Dermatology Association , acne affects 5.6 million Canadians or nearly 20% of the population.
Caring for Your Baby’s Eczema Through the Winter Months
It is heart wrenching to watch your baby develop angry, red and itchy patches over their body. For many parents not knowing how to help or make it stop can be equally disheartening. Allergy, eczema and asthma in children are growing at an alarming rate.
Is Your Skin Dried Out from the Winter Cold? Try These Foods to Nourish it
The cold, dry air of the winter can wreak havoc on our skin. Chapped lips are a good indicator that our skin may need some extra attention. But nourishing our skin at this time of the year can be a challenge
Top 10 Foods for Glowing Summer Skin
The secret to healthy glowing skin is staying well hydrated and protecting and feeding your skin from the inside out. If you are reading this article and you are in your early 20s, you may have smooth plump skin that seems resilient to the effects of the sun. You may heal quickly and never seem to have dry skin.
Why addressing my food sensitivities was the best thing I did for my health
Since I was a baby I have experienced bouts of eczema. I remember using hydrocortisone cream almost daily to manage it, and going for allergy tests that always came back negative. I grew up believing that this was the skin I was given, and that was that. No big deal.
Detox & Cleanses
Have you heard about Detox? Are you considering if you should be doing one? Why would you do one? Which is right for me?
My Hair is Falling Out, Could it be Hormones?
Yes, it absolutely can be your hormones and it often is! While I’ve seen hair loss due to low iron and other nutritional deficiencies, I usually see patients with thinning hair due to hormonal causes.