Your thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that sits at the front of your neck, under the voice box.
Your thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that sits at the front of your neck, under the voice box.
Do you suffer from mood swings, water retention, headaches, brain fog, fatigue or anxiety about a week or two before you period? These menstrual related symptoms can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life.
In order to understand how your hormone levels may be affecting your health and possible symptoms related to a hormone imbalance, it is important to understand the key hormones involved. In the last newsletter I discussed Estrogen and its role in our body. The spotlight of this article will be on Progesterone, a key hormone that also plays a very important role in fertility, menstruation and may lead to symptoms when out of balance in relation to other hormones.
Dr. Tasreen Albhai N.D.
Naturopathic Medical Director
Glutathione is known as the “master anti-oxidant” that is made in the liver from 3 amino acids: glutamate, glucose and cysteine. [1]
The spotlight of this article will be on the primary female sex hormone, Estrogen. When the body’s hormones are in balance, the menstrual cycle may run smoothly. It is when things go out of balance that symptoms may arise.
During recent months, the number of Canadians who report they are having higher levels of anxiety has increased significantly. A survey conducted by Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC.ca) reported a quadrupling of high levels of anxiety and doubling of high levels of depression through the pandemic.
Have a little extra time these days? Why not complete a diet check-in for adequate nutrition levels to support hair growth.
First, lets talk about iron. If someone has risk factors, or is symptomatic for iron deficiency anemia, an iron study is completed or requested. Iron is essential for hair growth, a sudden drop in levels can even precipitate telogen effluvium (sudden loss of up to 30% of hair).
I think we can all say that we are experiencing stress right now. Feelings of uncertainty, financial anxiety, job loss, changes to daily routines: the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting each one of us in some way. While it is tempting to hide on the couch eating comfort food, I know, eating the right foods during times of stress makes us far more resilient to its effects. We also have an increased need for nutrients like antioxidants and B vitamins when stress is high.
1. Eat a well balanced diet that includes veggies (colors of the rainbow and lots of greens), protein and healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Protein and vegetable every time you eat! Fruits and pre-cut veggies make great snacks, Include protein in your breakfast meal, half of your plate should be vegetables.
To our patients, friends and community. I hope each one of you and your family is doing okay during these difficult times. This is such a fast- moving situation with uncertainty. Many of us, including myself, are feeling anxious and maybe fear during this global pandemic. For me, there is comfort in knowing we are all going thorough this together and we are not alone. It is heartwarming to see how our global community has come together during this difficult time.