Author Archives: Tasreen Alibhai

PMS and Bloat! Suggestions To Reduce the Uncomfortable Feeling of Water Retention

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

Premenstrual syndrome, is a group of physical and psychological symptoms that occur in women in a cyclic pattern, usually between ovulation and the start of a period. Premenstrual symptoms may occur in 95% of women of reproductive age (1) 65% of the women report symptoms of fluid retention or swelling (2)

Four Simple Tips to Stay Committed to Healthy Eating

“I’ve got to start eating healthy. Starting Monday: no sugar, no gluten, no dairy and I’m bringing salads for lunch every day.” How many times has this, or some variation of it, been said after indulging too much or too often? With a burst of motivation, you start the week off with your new diet rules in place. As time goes on…motivation starts to wane, social events come up, you’re tired of not being able to eat anything and eventually you find yourself back in your old ways.