
Fish Oil Can Improve Children’s Reading Skills

dr alibhai

Dr. Tasreen Albhai N.D.
Naturopathic Medical Director
Read Biography  Schedule an Appointment

On average, between 20 and 30 percent of schoolchildren in the early grades struggle with reading. Learning to read is one of the most important skills that a child needs to master in the first few years of schooling. Unfortunately, reading does not come easily to all students. 

Being Thankful this Thanksgiving and Beyond

By Dr. Quinn Rivet, ND

What if there was something that was free, you could carry with you 24 hours a day, you can turn on anytime, uses little electricity, doesn’t come in a bottle, it’s good for your brain by increasing circulation to the hippocampus, stimulates the reward centers of the brain, decreases aches, pains and inflammatory markers in the blood, can help your will-power, is able to decrease depression and helps give an optimistic outlook on life, and did I mention it was free? Would you be interested?

Stay Energized Heading Back to School

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

It’s that time again! Back to school. Summer definitely went quickly in Vancouver. I hope it was a wonderful summer and now you are ready to get back to routine with the start of the fall season.

After summer vacation some of you may find it difficult to get back to a routine. I have some great suggestions for nutrients that can help increase your energy and give you the boost you need to get back on track for back to school.