Category Archives: food

Join us for the 2017 West Coast Cleanse!

Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.
Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.

January is a very popular time to cleanse, given the overindulgence that often comes with the holiday season. While cleansing is important for our bodies, doing it incorrectly during the dead of winter can be harsh on our system. I have created the 2017 West Coast Cleanse for people to gain the benefits of cleansing while also staying in harmony with the seasons!

digestive system

Keeping Your Digestive System Healthy During the Holidays!

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

The holiday season is upon us! This is the start to the holiday parties and dinners with family. Although this is a fun time of the year, it can also be a stressful time for many that deal with digestive issues. Many of my patients suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or SIBO. They manage their digestive symptoms by avoiding specific foods, detoxifying their digestive system, taking probiotics and managing an overgrowth of fungus or bacteria with medications. During the holidays, it can be difficult to maintain these dietary and medication regimes.

Fish Oil Can Improve Children’s Reading Skills

dr alibhai

Dr. Tasreen Albhai N.D.
Naturopathic Medical Director
Read Biography  Schedule an Appointment

On average, between 20 and 30 percent of schoolchildren in the early grades struggle with reading. Learning to read is one of the most important skills that a child needs to master in the first few years of schooling. Unfortunately, reading does not come easily to all students. 

Stay Energized Heading Back to School

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

It’s that time again! Back to school. Summer definitely went quickly in Vancouver. I hope it was a wonderful summer and now you are ready to get back to routine with the start of the fall season.

After summer vacation some of you may find it difficult to get back to a routine. I have some great suggestions for nutrients that can help increase your energy and give you the boost you need to get back on track for back to school.

Skin Cancer Prevention Beyond Sunscreen

healthy-foodSkin Cancer is now the most common form of cancer in both Canada and the US with rates on the rise.  Skin Cancer does not seem to be as scary as other types of cancers, but many people do not realize how disfiguring Basal Cell carcinoma can be, and Melanoma can certainly be fatal. We know that Skin Cancer is associated with UV exposure, and frequency of sunburn raises the risk of developing Melanoma.  The public is now very aware that avoiding tanning beds and using sunscreen are protective measures, but there is more to it.