Category Archives: Newsletter

Increasing Your Libdo By Balancing Your Hormones

February Promotions

flowerSpoil yourself and your partner (or friend) with an IV vitamin and mineral treatment! Book an IV together and receive 50% off one treatment of equal or lesser value*. Get ready for the celebrations this Valentine’s day by boosting your body with our Vitalia IV treatment. Book before February 14 and receive a special Valentines Day gift from Vitalia Health Care. *cannot be combined with any other offer


Intravenous Symposium of Anti Aging Medicine A4M

1-681x1024I recently attended an Intravenous Symposium by the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M) in New Orleans. It was wonderful to be a part of a group of highly educated professionals including Surgeons, ER doctors, psychiatrists, osteopathic physicians and Naturopathic Doctors. All but the Naturopathic Doctors looked at this type of medicine (Functional and Regenerative Medicine) as thinking “outside of the box”.

skin cancer

The Risks of Developing Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is similar to most types of cancer where a known, single cause has not been found. Most cancers seem to be the result of a complex mix of many risk factors such as life style choices, exposure to known cancer-causing substances in the environment. The frequency and accumulation of the exposure to a risk factor increases the chances that cancer will develop. Therefore it may take many years for cancer to develop after exposure to a risk factor.