The New Year is upon us! January is the month of detoxification for many of us. Indulgences in food and alcohol over the holidays can leave many of us feeling sluggish, tired and maybe a few pounds heavier at the start of the New Year.
The New Year is upon us! January is the month of detoxification for many of us. Indulgences in food and alcohol over the holidays can leave many of us feeling sluggish, tired and maybe a few pounds heavier at the start of the New Year.
January is a very popular time to cleanse, given the overindulgence that often comes with the holiday season. While cleansing is important for our bodies, doing it incorrectly during the dead of winter can be harsh on our system. I have created the 2017 West Coast Cleanse for people to gain the benefits of cleansing while also staying in harmony with the seasons!
The holidays are a time for family, friends, festivity and indulgence. It is important to allow yourself to cut-loose and celebrate once in a while, unfortunately extra alcohol, sugar, decrease in exercise and less sleep can leave some feeling less than festive. A few tips can go a long way to help you stay healthy and happy through the holiday season. I could make a really long list of tips, but have decided to keep it simple, because sometimes less is more.
It is true that as children grow their appetite can ebb and flow, matching whatever stage of growth they’re in. But there are some children who develop fussy eating habits that become a stress, and concern, for their parents.
By Dr. Quinn Rivet, ND
What if there was something that was free, you could carry with you 24 hours a day, you can turn on anytime, uses little electricity, doesn’t come in a bottle, it’s good for your brain by increasing circulation to the hippocampus, stimulates the reward centers of the brain, decreases aches, pains and inflammatory markers in the blood, can help your will-power, is able to decrease depression and helps give an optimistic outlook on life, and did I mention it was free? Would you be interested?
Have you heard about Detox? Are you considering if you should be doing one? Why would you do one? Which is right for me?
PASCOLEUCYN; is supported by research to show when taken during the first onset of Flu it decreases the severity of the symptoms and length of illness significantly in children and adults.