
digestive system

Keeping Your Digestive System Healthy During The Summer

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

Summer is here in our beautiful city. This is definitely the time many of us indulge in patio drinks, sweet fruits and maybe a few more treats at summer BBQ’s. What you may not realize is these choices may increase the risk of having increased digestive problems such as gas, bloating, loose stools and constipation.

get back on track

How To Get Back On Track When You’ve Fallen off The Wagon

Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.
Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.

Sticking to a health plan isn’t always easy. To be perfectly honest, it doesn’t take much for me to skip a workout when I’m glued to my computer screen completing work assignments, or pick less healthy lunch items to shove down my mouth when I haven’t made the time to prep healthier ones. (Planning is key.)

vitamin b 12

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

Summer is finally almost here in Vancouver. Its been a cold tough winter. With the sunshine and warmer weather we can now start enjoying all the summer activities Vancouver is so well known for.

Summer is the time most people want energy! The #1 complaint of patients to their doctors is a lack of energy. There is so much we want to do, but some of us lack the energy to enjoy all these activities. In this article I will be discussing Vitamin B12 and all of its benefits, the first being increasing your energy!

Vitamin B12 performs many important functions in the body. The main source is animal foods such as beef, chicken and egg yolks. Vegetarians and Vegans are at a higher risk of becoming deficient in vitamin B12.

Stomach acid is also very important for the release of B12 from foods. People with problems of low stomach acid or those taking medications to prevent heartburn (such as antacids) may also be a higher risk of B12 deficiency. Lastly there are certain medications such as diabetes medications that can lower absorption of B12. Check with your doctor or pharmacist.

vitamin b 12

Vitamin B12 is needed for many different functions in your body. They are necessary for your body to make proteins, balance neurotransmitters in your brain, helps your body to use folic acid which is essential for proper development and for the formation of your red blood cells, reduces heart disease risk, needed for memory, helps in the breakdown of fats for energy, needed for your nerves to function properly and essential for DNA replication and repair. Vitamin B12 has a lot of very important functions!

The list of symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is long. I will mention a few here:

Low energy, shortness of breath, numbness in your feet, swollen red tongue, canker sores, constipation, dizziness, irritability, memory loss, weakness, ringing in ears, floaters in the eyes, and insomnia.

If you experience some of these symptoms with fatigue have your B12 levels checked. It’s a simple blood test your doctor can order.
If you have low vitamin B12 levels there are different types of B12 to supplement with. I recommend either hydroxyB12 or methylB12 to my patients. I find these work better than cyanocobolamin.

HydroxyB12 works well for those that experience low blood pressure, dizziness on standing and feeling weak. Methyl B12 works well on those who have low energy but do not experience the other symptoms. MethylB12 is also the choice for those who have a “methylation” problem that they have discovered through genetic testing (MTHFR, MTRR).
Have your B12 levels tested. If you fall below the range or towards the lower half of the normal range consider taking B12. It may be exactly what you need to increase your energy and get ready for all summer has to offer us in this beautiful city.

For more information on B12 call us today!

Yours in health,
Dr Tasreen Alibhai, ND

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Enjoy Summer Without Compromising Wellness Goals

Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.
Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.

The bout of heat and sunshine we’ve been enjoying is a much-welcomed sign that summer is on its way!

But with food truck festivals and craft beer markets popping up every weekend, and ice cream parlours and fish & chips stands extending their hours, there are many opportunities to indulge a little too often, and we may end up unintentionally compromising our health goals.


How Supporting Your Thyroid Can Help You Achieve Your Wellness Goals

Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.
Natasha Asselstine, R.H.N.

Many people – particularly women in their 30s and into menopausal years – have an underactive thyroid without realising it. An underactive thyroid (or hypothyroidism) can be associated with lifestyle (such as high stress and poor diet) and genetic markers that may predispose people to it.

digestive system

How Your Digestive Health Affects Your Metabolism Including Energy and Weight Loss

Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, N.D.
Dr. Tasreen Alibhai

Metabolism is a big topic today! Many chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, Neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and even Autism can be viewed as metabolic disorders; stemming from underlying problems in metabolism.

Can Foods Influence Your Seasonal Allergies?

Dr. Natalie Waller, ND
Dr. Natalie Waller, ND

The answer is YES, the foods you eat can certainly make your seasonal allergies worse. Many individuals with pollen allergies experience immediate symptoms after eating certain foods. This is known as Oral-Allergy Syndrome and occurs because a plant protein gets mistaken for a pollen protein. Common symptoms of Oral-Allergy Syndrome (OAS) include: itchy and/or swollen lips and may also include the tongue, itchy roof of the mouth, scratchy and tingling throat, and watery, itchy eyes.