
skin cancer

The Risks of Developing Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is similar to most types of cancer where a known, single cause has not been found. Most cancers seem to be the result of a complex mix of many risk factors such as life style choices, exposure to known cancer-causing substances in the environment. The frequency and accumulation of the exposure to a risk factor increases the chances that cancer will develop. Therefore it may take many years for cancer to develop after exposure to a risk factor.

Ready for spring

Finally! Spring is in the air! As the seasons change, its best to make sure your immune system is ready for it. The flu virus seems to be lingering a bit longer this year and Dr. Alibhai has some great tips to keep you healthy and ready for Spring.

Along with the warmer weather comes those dreaded spring allergies read below for some tips from Dr. Alibhai on how to beat those nasty allergies before they even start!

Valentine's Day

Sexual Health

In celebration of Valentine’s Day on February 14th, we decided what better time to talk about this month’s feature, Sexual Health!

Low libido, low sex drive is a common complaint from many of our patients. Read below to find out more information on the use of Bioidential Hormone Replacement for Sexual Health, Acupuncture to Increase Your Libido, and information on Erectile Dysfunction and what we can do to help!

Promotion: Receive $25 off your initial consultation with Dr. Alibhai until February 15th! Mention promo code: GET HEALTHY when booking your appointment!

Change Something in You

Quinn Rivet
Greetings! My name is Dr. Rivet and I’m new to the Vitalia Healthcare team but a veteran to naturopathic medicine, this year I start my 20th year in practice! I’v practiced privately in Hamilton, Toronto and Vancouver, taught at both naturopathic schools in Canada (and one in the states), lectured across Canada, did research, wrote a book, and even healed myself of my own personal health story. So with that in mind I want to share with you what I think is important in keeping yourself healthy.