Now that Spring is approaching and the sun is rising earlier in the morning again, it is a great time to practice getting up early.
Now that Spring is approaching and the sun is rising earlier in the morning again, it is a great time to practice getting up early.
February’s got us thinking about all things romance! Not the flowers, teddy bears, and chocolates, but the things that will support the body for great sexy-times ahead – well beyond February.
The cold, dry air of the winter can wreak havoc on our skin. Chapped lips are a good indicator that our skin may need some extra attention. But nourishing our skin at this time of the year can be a challenge
Oh the dreaded holiday dinner table… The juicy meats, the steaming rice, the heaped potatoes, the sugar cookies right next to the darling gingerbread men. Not to mention the mulled wine.
Holiday season is here! This is the time of year to enjoy the festivities and spend time with loved ones. However, it can also be the time many of us feel the stress of the holiday season.
Many people I work with paint me a similar picture about their health:
They eat a very clean diet based on whole foods, and avoid anything processed. But they feel absolutely terrible.
A lack of energy is one of the most common complaints among my nutrition clients.
People are struggling to meet the demands of the day, and turning to a variety of
energy drinks and others stimulants to improve their energy.
These energy balls are nut-free – making them a great school snack for children who can’t take nut products to school!
It’s that time of year again… kids are preparing to return to school, and our summer energy is winding down as is the sun. We’re ready to put away our party spirit and get back onto a routine, which often involves reprioritizing our health goals!
Summer is here in our beautiful city. This is definitely the time many of us indulge in patio drinks, sweet fruits and maybe a few more treats at summer BBQ’s. What you may not realize is these choices may increase the risk of having increased digestive problems such as gas, bloating, loose stools and constipation.